Monday, January 11, 2010

Mysterious Shot for 24

Hello. I thought I'd start this blog off with a drink that says a little something about me. I recently turned 24 years old, and my family decided to take me out to a local Mexican Restaurant, El Sol de Mexico. Probably one of my favorite restaurants.

For birthdays, it is pretty common to expect a free dessert and a birthday song when you announce it at a restaurant. Most Mexican restaurants like to put a big sombrero on your head, which they did. What I didn't expect was the tasty shot I got in place of a free dessert!

The waiter brought over the shot and placed it on the table, it was a brown, creamy kind of color. He put a napkin over the top of the glass and hit it against the table twice (my guess was to mix up the ingredients). I drank it down and they proceeded to sing to me a birthday song in Spanish. The shot tasted good, kind of chocolaty with no bad after taste. I asked what was in it: Tequila, Kahlua, and Pepsi.

Upon searching for this mysterious drink on the internet, I come up with nothing that has only those ingredients. I'll have to try and see if I can replicate this drink at home and then post the amounts of each ingredient.

I hope you enjoyed the first entry of this blog! My plan is to keep including great drink recipes that I find or happen to make up, as well as provide some tips and information about the effects of alcohol on the body. Because I am a student, I still have free access to all kinds of current research so why not provide it to people who can use it? :D

1 comment:

  1. This sounds great! Feel free to experiment your different ratio attempts on me! ;)
